We have developed a 24-hour ordering system for clinical examinations, making use of the features of multi-function workstation (IBM5550) which performs two functions both in an on-line terminal and in a personal computer. It is used as an on-line terminal for the host computer (IBM4381) in day time. At night or on holiday, it is used as a stand-alone type personal computer to order clinical examinations. For this purpose, basic information of the inpatients (patient number, name, sex, date of birth, clinic, ward) are transferred from the host computer to the disket in the workstation in the evening when host computer finished on-line service. A physician can input the patient number followed by examination items using the touch panel according to the dialogue type guides written in Chinese character. Then, specimen label, list of ordered tests and an order form are printed out instantly. The date (patient number, examination items, identification number of the specimen, etc.) stored in the disket in the workstation at night are transferred from workstation to the host computer next morning. The host computer merges the information ordered in day time and at night and supplies working documents for examination (worksheets, master log, etc.) to technicians. Thus physicians can order examinations all day long using workstation, which make it possible to spare the time.