In this paper we show that the discharges of sympathetic neurons innervating an identified peripheral target are driven by multiple oscillators that undergo dynamic synchronization when an entraining force, central respiratory drive (CRD), is increased. Activity was recorded from postganglionic sympathetic neurons (PGNs) innervating the caudal ventral artery of the rat tail: (1) at the population level from the ventral collector nerve (VCN); and (2) from pairs of single PGNs recorded simultaneously using a focal recording technique. Autospectral analysis of VCN activity revealed a more prominent rhythmical component in the presence of CRD than in its absence, suggesting that (1) multiple oscillators drive the discharges of PGNs and (2) these oscillators can be entrained and therefore synchronized by CRD. This interpretation was supported by analysis of the firing behavior of PGN pairs. Autocorrelation and cross-correlation analysis showed that pairs were not synchronized in the absence of CRD but showed significant synchronization when CRD was enhanced. Time-evolving spectral analysis and raster plots demonstrated that the temporal stability of PGN-to-PGN and CRD-to-PGN interactions at a given level of CRD were also dynamic in nature, with stable constant phase relationships predominating as CRD was increased. This is the first reported example of dynamic synchronization in populations of single postganglionic sympathetic neurons, and we suggest that, as in sensory processing and motor control, temporal pattern coding may also be an important feature of neuronal discharges in sympathetic pathways.