A 70 years old patient was successfully treated for infrarenal aortic aneurysm by an endovascular bifurcated prosthesis. Three months later, because of dysuria, he underwent urological examination revealing an abdominal pulsatile tumor. Thereafter, the patient was sent to our emergency ward with suspected symptomatical endoleak. Radiological screening by computer tomography and magnetic resonance angiography showed good post-operative results without endoleak. Patient was treated with antispasmodic medication and is doing well today. Because endovascular repair of aortic aneurysm, in contrast to an open approach, does not eliminate the aneurysm itself, post-operative abdominal palpation can be ambiguous. Magnetic resonance angiography--without the need of nephrotoxic contrast medium--compares favourably to CT and provides excellent pictures with less artefacts for post-operative screening of endoleak. If reperfusion can be excluded, pulsation is due to the transmission of the blood-pressure wave to the thrombosed aneurysm.