Myogenesis proceeds by fusion of proliferating myoblasts into myotubes under the control of various transcription factors. In adult skeletal muscle, myogenic stem cells are represented by the satellite cells which can be cultured and differentiate in vitro. This system was used to investigate the subcellular distribution of a particular type of prosomes at different steps of the myogenic process. Prosomes constitute the MCP core of the 26S proteasomes but were first observed as subcomplexes of the untranslated mRNPs; recently, their RNase activity was discovered. A monoclonal antibody raised against the p27K subunit showed that the p27K subunit-specific prosomes move transiently into the nucleus prior to the onset of myoblast fusion into myotubes; this represents possibly one of the first signs of myoblast switching into the differentiation pathway. Prior to fusion, the prosomes containing the p27K subunit return to the cytoplasm, where they align with the gradually formed lengthwise-running desmin-type intermediate filaments and the microfilaments, co-localizing finally with the actin bundles. The prosomes progressively form discontinuous punctate structures which eventually develop a pseudo-sarcomeric banding pattern. In myotubes just formed in vitro, the formation of this pattern seems to preceed that produced by the muscle-specific sarcomeric (alpha)-actin. Interestingly, this pattern of prosomes of myotubes in terminal in vitro differentiation was very similar to that of prosomes observed in vivo in foetal and adult muscle. These observations are discussed in relation to molecular myogenesis and prosome/proteasome function.