Clinical and morphologic features are described in two patients known to have repeatedly injected intravenously talc-containing drugs intended for oral use. In one patient severe pulmonary hypertension developed; the talc granulomas in him were located predominantly within the pulmonary arteries. The second patient had normal pulmonary arterial pressures, and the talc granulomas in him were located predominantly in the pulmonary interstitium. Of 19 previously described patients with pulmonary talc granulomas, 12 had morphologic evidence of pulmonary hypertension (in three of severe degree); in each, talc granulomas were located predominantly within the pulmonary arteries. In those without signs of pulmonary hypertension, granulomas were located predominantly in the pulmonary interstitium. Why there are differences in the distribution of the talc granulomas is unclear. It is clear, however, as demonstrated by one of our patients, that severe pulmonary hypertension may be a consequence of intravenous injection of drugs intended for oral use.