The medial amygdala (MeA) has receptors for gonadal hormones and is a sexually dimorphic area in rats. The aims of the present work were (1) to look at sex differences and the effect of gonadal hormone withdrawal in males castrated as offspring or at adulthood on neuronal soma area in the anterior and posterior MeA and (2) to study the dendritic branching and the density of dendritic spines in neurons from the MeA of intact males and females. Animals were adult rats, for which the single-section Golgi method was used. Stellate and bitufted cells were found in the MeA. Comparing data among groups, no significant difference in cell body area was found. Dendrites divide sparingly and have very different lengths, and a statistical difference (p < 0.001, males higher than females) in the spine density in the anterior MeA, but not in the posterior MeA, was found. These results suggest that castration does not alter the somal area in males submitted to gonadectomy during the early postnatal period or at adulthood. In addition, the already described sex difference in this nucleus may be more related to the neuropil than the neuronal somal area, which may be relevant for the function of the MeA.