An AHA committee and a presidential commission recently examined the effects of government cutbacks and rising costs on the "health care poor." they found increasing inequity in access to and quality of care and noted that reimbursement and demographic changes threaten some facilities' ability to care for the poor. Recognizing the need to take a more active role in the public policy arena, the Sisters of Mercy Health Corporation, Farmington Hills, MI, established a task force to study the delivery and financing of health care services for the poor and make recommendations for influencing public policy. The task force identified 12 general principles to guide the development of public policies that have an impact on health care for the poor. It also outlined four actions that should be taken to ensure that necessary changes in public policy occur: Establish a national health policy on the delivery and financing of health care for the poor. Base public policy development on principles of equity and justice. Establish an effective constituency or coalition that can serve as an advocate for the poor in the policy development process. Develop and test models or programs that recognize the needs of both care recipients and providers and that support recommended policy changes.