Effects of alkalinity and hypertonicity on the motile behaviour of Leptospira interrogans (biflexa) B16 were observed, quantified, and compared with effects previously shown by similar factors on the motility of eubacteria. Leptospira interrogans tolerated relatively high concentrations of hydroxide ions. Motility similar to that in controls was observed at pH values up to 9-8; but at pH 10-0 motility declined sharply with time of exposure, and there was structural alteration, visible as a blebbing of the cell envelope. Unlike the behaviour of eubacteria, immobilization of L. interrogans induced by hydroxide ions could not be reversed by lowering the pH. It is suggested that by restricting entry of hydroxide ions, the cell envelope protects its motility apparatus from adverse effects. Leptospira interrogans was completely immobilized in 0-5 M and 1-0 M-sucrose solutions. Unlike the eubacteria, leptospires were incapable of spontaneous reversion to motile forms and resumption of motility was dependent on both concentration and time of exposure to sucrose. Deuterium oxide did not affect movement, suggesting that even though leptospire endoflagella and the exoflagella of eubacteria are analogous, the motile behaviour of L. interrogans is significantly different from that of eubacteria.