The sarcoid spleen-derived reagent for the Kveim-Siltzbach test (KST) elicits a sarcoid-specific, granulomatous, cutaneous response used to establish the diagnosis of sarcoidosis. In the context of the ongoing discussion of a bacterial cause of sarcoidosis we asked the question whether bacterial DNA could be found in the KST reagent. For this purpose two different KST reagents, an identical preparation from a normal spleen, and a native sarcoid spleen were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) employing universal primers detecting conserved DNA sequences coding for bacterial ribosomal 16S RNA. Neither KST reagents, the control preparation, nor the spleen yielded a positive signal, indicating that the preparations are free of bacterial contamination. Because the KST reagent elicits granuloma, these results do not support the hypothesis of a bacterial cause of sarcoid granuloma.