We investigated whether daphnodorin A, daphnodorin B and daphnodorin C inhibited human chymase-dependent angiotensin II-forming activity. Although the structures of these compounds are very similar, daphnodorin A completely inhibited angiotensin II formation generated by chymase, while daphnodorin B partially inhibited and daphnodorin C did not. On the other hand, these daphnodorins did not affect angiotensin converting enzyme-dependent angiotensin II formation. Furthermore, these daphnodorins did not inhibit purified human tryptase, which, like chymase, is contained in mast cells. Therefore, daphnodorin A, but not daphnodorin B and daphnodorin C, may specifically inhibit the chymase-dependent angiotensin II formation, and such differences between inhibitory effects of these compounds to human chymase may be useful for the development of human chymase inhibitor.