Large series of cauda equina tumors in adults are seldom reported. This study was based on the 231 cases collected in the French neurosurgery units for the congress of the Société Française de Neurochirurgie in October 1996. Schwannomas were the most frequent benign tumor in this series, followed by ependymomas. Very few malignant tumors were recorded, usually malignant neurinomas nearly always arising in patients with neurofibromatosis. Some other rare tumors were also observed including paragangliomas. This series confirms the contribution of pre-therapeutic neurological status to functional prognosis. All schwannomas can be cured while ependymomas and paragangliomas may recur after a very long delay. Surgery must be as complete as possible since adjuvant therapies have proven to have little efficacy. This type of tumor requires a very long follow-up. Prognosis is good for hemangioblastoma. When present, abnormal sphincter function is an argument for poor prognosis. It may appear after primary surgery or more often after treatment of recurrence.