To assess the changing trends in patients profiles, operative procedures, and the result of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) we reviewed the clinical data of 700 consecutive patients who had anisolated CABG (471, 67.3%), CABG combined with left ventricular aneurysm (170, 24.29%), CABG and valve procedures (48, 6.9%), CABG and ventricular septal defect repair (16, 2.3%) at the Fuwai Hospital. The patients were divided into group A (recent three years) and group B (before 1993). The incidence was significantly increased (P < 0.05) in diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, ventricular dysfunction, left main stem coronary artery disease and three vessles lesion. There was a high incidence of hypertension (41.3%), old myocardiac infarction (36.4%), combined left ventricular aneurysm (24.29%) and IABP needed (9.4%), however no significantl difference was notes between the two groups. Internal mammary artery was used in group A (25.6%) and group B (2.6%) (P < 0.005). The hospital mortality (group A, 2.7% and group B, 9.6%) and perioperative myocarial infarction (group A, 3.2% and group B, 9.0%) decreased significantly (P < 0.005). We conclude that despite a high incidence of hypertension, diabetes, hypercholoesterolemia, old myocardial infarction, ventricular dysfunction and diffuse coronary artery disease the patients tolerate CABG surgery well and obtain a good result.