The aim of the study was to evaluate the body composition and fat distribution in long-term users of hormonal replacement therapy (HRT). 18 healthy menopausal women, long-term users of HRT (transdermal estradiol 50 microg continuously administered and 10 mg/day of medroxyprogesterone acetate for 12 days/month) and 18 healthy menopausal women, who had never used HRT were included in the study. Age, menopausal age, parity, weight and height (body mass index, weight/height2), and lifestyle habits were similar. Waist and hip circumference, body composition and waist/hip ratio were measured and the results were analyzed. No significant difference was demonstrated in fat and water percentage, and waist/hip ratio. Nevertheless, the waist circumference of long-term HRT users was significantly lower than that of non-users. In conclusion, abdominal fat in long-term HRT users is lower than that of non-users of similar age, menopausal age and body mass index.