This study evaluated whether it is possible with T2-weighted MRI to quantitatively relate image-outcome in a single, individual case with that of a standardized control group that did not show these pathologies. An animal model of hypertension-related cerebral damage, the salt-loaded, stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHRSP), was applied. Very similar values for cerebral edema were found when using either the individual or the averaged threshold. The values were positively correlated with each, as edema(averaged threshold) = 0.12 + 0.99 x edema(individual threshold) (Pearsons coefficient = 0.99, p < 0.0001). This line was virtually congruent with the line of identity. Thus, by determination of the averaged threshold in the healthy salt-loaded SHRSP, a parameter was obtained to calculate cerebral edema with the specifically used T2-weighted MRI protocol, in any rat.