13C cross-polarization (CP) magic angle spinning (MAS) solid state NMR spectra of hydrochlorides and perchlorates of buspirone analogues (2-5) were recorded. In the spectra for each compound, one set of signals appeared, in agreement with single crystal X-ray diffraction data indicating the presence of one molecule per crystal unit. The resonances of 2-5 hydrochlorides were assigned by comparison with the solution chemical shifts. For perchlorate 2b and diperchlorate 2c, the reasonable assignment of signals was made with the aid of the theoretical studies. Ab initio calculations of the carbon shieldings were performed by means of the GIAO-CHF method for two model systems: perchlorate and diperchlorate of quinoline-(N-methyl)piperazine. As no remarkable differences between carbon chemical shifts of hydrochlorides 3-5 in solid state and in solution were observed, it was concluded that in solution these compounds adopted the same conformation as in the solid state.