The HER-2/neu protein is overexpressed in approximately 20% of human adenocarcinomas and is a defined tumor antigen in breast cancer. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the endogenous HER-2/neu specific antibody response in 57 patients with colorectal cancer. HER-2/neu specific antibodies, titer > or = 1:100, were detected in 14% (8/57) of patients with colorectal cancer compared to none of the normal control population (0/200). Furthermore, detection of HER-2/neu specific antibodies in the cancer population correlated significantly with HER-2/neu protein overexpression in the patients' tumor (p < 0.01). 46% of patients with HER-2/neu overexpressing tumors (6/13) and 5% of HER-2/neu negative tumors (2/44) had detectable HER-2/neu specific antibodies. The endogenous HER-2/neu antibody response in these patients was predominantly IgG or IgA.