The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was examined as host for heterologous expression of the G protein-coupled VPAC1 receptor. Rat VPAC1 receptor cDNA and two chimeric constructs encoding the yeast mating factor pre-pro alpha-leader peptide fused in-frame to rat VPAC1 receptor were expressed in yeast cells under control of a galactose inducible promoter. The rat VPAC1 receptor was fused to the HSV tag epitope to ensure proper immunological detection of the receptor. Crucial conditions for high-level expression of active rat VPAC1 receptor included growth in amino acid supplemented minimal medium, fusion to the yeast alpha-leader peptide and a temperature shift from 30 degrees C to 15 degrees C before promoter induction. Western blotting showed that the expressed receptor was highly glycosylated and a band of 47 kDa was obtained upon endoglycosidase H treatment. Binding with radioiodinated vasoactive intestinal polypeptide revealed a KD of 2.5 nM and an IC50 of 15 nM when displacing with unlabeled vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. VPAC1 receptor density quantified by Western blotting was 510 pmol/mg membrane protein of which only 66 pmol/mg were able to bind vasoactive intestinal polypeptide.