Hypotrichosis of Marie Unna (MU) is an autosomal dominant hair-loss disorder with onset in childhood. A genomewide search for the gene was performed in a large Dutch family using 400 fluorescent microsatellite markers. Linkage was detected with marker D8S258, and analysis of this family and a further British kindred with additional markers in the region gave a combined maximum two-point LOD score of 13.42, with D8S560. Informative recombinants placed the MU gene in a 2.4-cM interval between markers D8S258 and D8S298. Recently, recessive mutations in the hr gene were reported in families with congenital atrichia, and this gene was previously mapped close to the MU interval. By radiation-hybrid mapping, we placed the hr gene close to D8S298 but were unable to exclude it from the MU interval. This, with the existence of the semidominant murine hr allele, prompted us to perform mutation analysis for this gene. Full-length sequencing of hr cDNA obtained from an affected individual showed no mutations. Similarly, screening of all exons of the hr gene amplified from the genomic DNA of an affected individual revealed no mutations. Analysis of expressed sequences and positional cloning of the MU locus is underway.