A 65-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital with arthritis and agranulocytosis. She had given a diagnosis of acute myelogenous leukemia (FAB classification M1) a year ago and treated with 3 cycles of cytarabine and anthracycline or etoposide for 4 months, achieving complete remission state. Her bone marrow aspirate revealed normocellularity with normal karyotype (46, XX [20]) without apparent dysplastic feature at this time. She received autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation subsequently after conditioning regimen consisted of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, busulfan, Ara-C and etoposide. Three months later, she started to manifest low grade fever, polyarthralgia and agranulocytosis and she admitted to our hospital after nine months. Bone marrow aspirate revealed marked hypocellularity with dysplastic features in three series of hematopoietic cells. Arthritis was dramatically improved after administration of prednisolone, but low granulocyte count continued. Bone marrow aspirate revealed karyotypic abnormality with monosomy 7 and we diagnosed her as myelodysplastic syndrome. Chemotherapy-induced myelodysplasia has been reported so far. This case would represent secondary myelodysplastic syndrome after chemotherapy. We could not clarify the etiology for polyarthritis but could be one of the paraneoplastic syndrome. We should note subsequent occurrence of myelodysplasia when planning treatment schedule.