Helicobacter pylori is one of the most common human bacterial infections in the world and children in the developing countries acquire H. pylori infection early in life. We prospectively evaluated the prevalence of serum antibodies to H. pylori in a cohort of pregnant women and their offspring. Mothers' sera were collected during the third trimester of pregnancy and sera from their offspring were collected when they were 7-9 months and 18 months of age. Pylori-Stat, a commercially available ELISA kit, was used to detect antibodies to H. pylori in the serum of the subjects tested. Sera from 169 mothers were available for testing and 88% of these samples were positive for anti-H. pylori IgG. Of the 169 children tested, 13% of the infants 7-9 months of age and 25% of the children 18 months of age had serologic evidence of H. pylori infection. These data indicate that infection with H. pylori is common in Egypt and acquisition of infection occurs at a very young age.