We assessed the role of vasopressin (VP) for the hemodynamic response to pneumoperitoneum in pigs. Four groups of anesthetized pigs were investigated. Nine pigs were intraabdominally insufflated with CO2 and eight were intraabdominally insufflated with argon; eight pigs received an i.v. injection of 1 mg/kg SR 49059, a VP antagonist, before CO2 insufflation; and six pigs received SR 49059 alone. Hemodynamics, plasma concentrations of VP and vasoactive hormones, and Paco2 were measured. Data were analyzed by using analysis of variance, Student's t-test, and Mann-Whitney U-test. Five minutes after insufflation, changes in systemic vascular resistance (SVR) were significantly correlated with changes in VP (r = 0.72; P = 0.005) but not with changes in epinephrine, norepinephrine, renin activity, or Paco2. SVR increased during CO2 insufflation but not during argon insufflation or CO2 insufflation with a preceding infusion of SR 49059. The SR 49059 injection itself resulted in increases in heart rate and cardiac output and decreases in blood pressure and SVR. We conclude that, during CO2 pneumoperitoneum in pigs, absorbed CO2 initiates a pathophysiological process that stimulates VP release. Hence, VP most likely plays a key role in the hemodynamic response to a CO2-induced pneumoperitoneum.
Implications: Intraabdominal insufflation of CO2 is associated with hemodynamic and hormonal changes. Investigating CO2 and argon-insufflated pigs and using a vasopressin antagonist, we found that CO2 insufflation released vasopressin, which, in turn, induced hemodynamic perturbances.