A method for detection, quantitation, and confirmation of more than 100 pesticides by gas chromatography (GC) with ion trap mass spectrometry (MS/MS) has been developed. The sensitivity of this method for many analytes is equal to or lower than those of selective GC detectors such as flame photometric detectors and electrolytic conductivity detectors. Using MS/MS, very low detection limits and good confirmation (1 precursor ion and 2 or more product ions) are achieved simultaneously. The entire list of pesticides is screened with 2 injections per sample. Samples are introduced onto the column by a temperature-programmed cold injection to maximize response. Each pesticide is run with its own unique set of parameters, which fragment the compound, retaining only the precursor ion. This ion is then refragmented to create a product spectrum. The selectivity of MS/MS gives a very clean spectrum, making compound identification and confirmation clear, even with a relatively dirty food matrix. If care is taken to maintain the injection port and guard column, this method can reliably identify and confirm more than 100 pesticides at the low parts-per-billion range.