To reduce the rate of capsule contracture after implantation of the breast prosthesis, augmentation mammaplasty through an inframammary incision and the external oblique muscle has been performed in 96 cases since 1990. In 67 of 72 cases (93%), the cosmetic results are satisfactory with a natural contour and softness of the breast during the follow-up of more than 6 months. The capsule contracture rate is 2.8 percent. The advantage of the approach is the muscular coverage of almost the total surface of the implant that contributes to the excellent result and a low capsule contracture rate. This procedure can overcome the disadvantages of the transaxillary augmentation procedure, which is usually difficult in dissecting the origin of the pectoralis muscle at the sixth rib. This technique can also make the inframammary crease lower and improve moderate ptosis of the breast.