The human haptoglobin (HP) HP*2 allele contains a 1.7-kilobase (kb) intragenic duplication that arose after a unique nonhomologous recombination between the prototype HP*1 alleles. During a genetic screening of 13,000 children of survivors exposed to atomic-bomb radiation and 10,000 children of unexposed persons, two children suspected of carrying de novo mutations at the haptoglobin locus were identified (one in each group). DNA analyses of single-cell-derived colonies of Epstein-Barr virus-transformed B cells revealed that the two children were mosaics comprising HP*2/HP*2 and HP*2/HP*1 cells at a ratio of approximately 3:1. We infer that the latter cells are caused by reversion of one HP*2 allele to HP*1 through an intramolecular homologous recombination between the duplicated segments of the Hp*2 allele that excised one of the segments. Because the mosaicism is substantial (approximately 25%), this recombination must have occurred in early embryogenesis. The frequency of finding these children and the extent of their mosaicisms corresponds to an HP*2 to HP*1 reversion rate of 8 x 10(-6) per cell during development. This leads to the prediction that the HP*1 allele also will be represented, although usually at a very low frequency, in any HP2-2 person. We tested this prediction by using PCR for a single individual and found the HP*1 allele at frequencies of 4 x 10(-6) and 3 x 10(-6) in somatic and sperm cells. The HP*1 allele was detected by PCR in all four other HP2-2 individuals, which supports the regular but rare occurrence somatically of homologous recombination within duplicated regions in humans, in agreement with previous observations in mouse and Drosophila.