We report the first detection of P[14], G8 rotaviruses isolated in Egypt from the stool of children participating in a 3 year study of rotavirus epidemiology. Two strains, EGY1850 and EGY2295, were characterized by a serotyping enzyme immunoassay (EIA), virus neutralization, and sequence analysis of the genes encoding VP7 and the VP8* portion of the VP4 gene. These two strains shared a high level of homology of their VP7s (87.8% nucleotide [nt], 97.2% amino acid [aa]) and VP4s (89.6% nt, 97.1% aa) and had the highest VP7 identity to serotype G8 (> 82% nt, > 92% aa) and VP4 identity to genotype P[14] (> or = 81% nt, > 91% aa) strains. Serological results with a VP7 G8-specific and VP4 P[14]-specific neutralizing monoclonal antibodies supported the genetic classification of EGY1850 and EGY2295 as P[14], G8. Genogroup analysis supports earlier findings that human G8 rotaviruses may be genetically related to bovine rotaviruses. These findings demonstrate that our understanding of the geographic distribution of rotavirus strains is incomplete, emphasize the need to monitor rotavirus serotypes, and extend the known distribution of serotype G8 and genotype P[14] strains in Africa.