History and admission findings: A 59-year-old woman had for 3 weeks been suffering from painful, moist skin changes on the external genitals, for 3 months having noticed vegetations in the anogenital and perineal region. She had been fatigued and lacking in energy since then. Her last gynecological examination had been 20 years ago. Examination of the skin on admission revealed extensive plaque and cauliflower-like warts and large areas of maceration in the anogenital region, the labia and perineum, with large areas of maceration. Nodules were clearly palpable in the left labium majora: the inner aspects were markedly reddened and had some cutaneous erosions. These findings suggested giant condyloma (GC; Buschke-Löwenstein tumour).
Investigations: Biopsy showed marked condylomatous epithelial proliferations which, with the formation of markedly thickened epithelial cones, had reached the stage of a verrucous carcinoma.
Treatment and course: Under local anti-inflammatory and adstringent medications the inflammatory reaction quickly subsided. Vulvectomy was performed to remove the tumour.
Conclusion: Giant condyloma (Buschke-Löwenstein tumour) is a rare pseudocancereous lesion. If human papilloma viruses of type 16 or 18 is demonstrated in the lesions, malignant degeneration should be considered. Histological examination is essential to differentiate it from squamous cell carcinoma.