Dehydration is frequently encountered in patients with advanced cancer. Recently there has been increasing interest in the use of hypodermoclysis (HDC) for parenteral fluid replacement. There are numerous advantages over the intravenous route of administration, and the method is safe, simple and if administered at home, reduces the number of hospitalisations due to dehydration. In this pilot study, we investigated the value of the procedure, related to patient experience and its feasibility in general. Nine patients were included, with 17 subcutaneous infusions given. No serious side effects were observed. Three patients developed transient localised oedema at the site of infusion, and two of these had no influence on the further administration. Mean duration of the infusions were 8.2 hours. Patient interviews following the completed infusions showed that seven of the eight patients in the study would appreciate the use of this method at home or on the ward if fluid replacement were required. More experience and field trials would be of great value in order to explore the benefits of this method in palliative care.