Aim: We report a prospective study undertaken to investigate the morbidity connected with the approach of lag screw osteosynthesis for the treatment of subcondylar fractures in the department of Maxillo-Facial Surgery at the Salpêtrière University Hospital.
Method: 24 patients have been operated between November 1997 and December 1998. We estimated the accessibility, the size and quality of scars the satisfaction index, and the complication rate.
Results: The average size of scars was 3 cm (2.5-4). Their quality was satisfactory, except for an hypertrophic and an invaginated one. The satisfaction index was always excellent and often superior to the surgeon one.
Complications: three paresis in the mental territory of the facial nerve regressive in three months, a salivary fistula regressive in three weeks, an hematoma and a subcutaneous infection. These different criteria improved during the study.
Conclusion: The approach is not free of risks but these ones seem to decrease with surgeon's experience.