As part of the national Hepatitis C (HCV) Lookback Programme, HCV-infected donors donating blood after September 1991 were identified and the fate of their previous donations received at a single hospital were traced; 123 of 160 implicated blood components were traceable and transfused. Only 19 recipients were alive and traceable and were tested for HCV. Nine of the 14 recipients (64%) of HCV-positive donations and 2 of 5 recipients (40%) of HCV-indeterminate donations had evidence of HCV infection. Neither the number of donor exposures nor the type of component was predictive of recipient HCV status. Three recipients have chronic active hepatitis. The Hepatitis C Lookback Programme successfully identifies some but not all cases of transfusion-transmitted HCV. Transfusion records, particularly in the medical case notes, should be substantially improved. Many of the traced recipients are young, so that identification of HCV is of great importance.