The authors describe their additional experience with the distally based sural island flap for reconstruction of the whole foot, including the forefoot area in 8 patients. The flap is vascularized by the lowermost perforating branches of the peroneal artery. The skin flap can be elevated, based on the lesser saphenous vein and its accompanying arteries, in all parts of the sural region. This modification allows a farther reach of the flap for coverage of the distal foot and sole. All flaps, innervated by the lateral sural cutaneous nerves, were able to provide protective sensation in the distal soles. In 7 patients the flaps survived completely, and only 1 patient had partial necrosis of the flap. The advantage of this flap is its constant and reliable blood supply without sacrifice of the major artery. Elevation of the flap is simple and rapid. This flap is a versatile alternative that should be considered prior to a free flap transfer.