Objectives: To develop a new analysis method for the quantitative assessment of vibration of the vocal folds, using conventional videostroboscopic image data.
Methods: We used prerecorded videostroboscopic images to evaluate quantitatively the vibration of the vocal folds. Successive images were converted as digital images by means of an image-grabbing board, processed for analysis, and reconstructed as kymograms by rearranging the same lines of all processed images along the time axis.
Results: We developed a new technique for evaluating the vibration of the vocal folds. The vibrations of multiple vocal fold regions were easily and objectively evaluated by this technique. The objective parameters, such as open quotient and asymmetry index, could be obtained easily using this technique.
Conclusions: Videostrobokymography demonstrated objectively the vibrations of several vocal fold regions at the same time. This technique has the potential to be a new tool to analyze and monitor the pathological changes and treatment results of vocal fold movement in a more refined quantitative fashion, using videostroboscopic images.