Adenosine, derived from hydrolysis of 5'-AMP by 5'-nucleotidase activity, may be involved in coupling coronary blood flow to cardiac function and metabolism; it has been postulated as a cardioprotective substance in ischemic myocardium. The stimulation of beta-adrenergic receptors produces an increase in adenosine by 5'-AMP hydrolysis. In addition, it has been demonstrated that in Chagas' disease there is decreased cardiac perfusion. We show in this paper by histochemical and densitometric procedures that ecto-5'-nucleotidase activity increases in ventricles of acutely Trypanosoma cruzi-infected mice and that the density of beta-adrenergic receptors is significantly diminished with affinity similar to controls, showing that a compensatory mechanism was absent. The increase of ecto-5'-nucleotidase in heart myocytes from infected mice may produce cardioprotective adenosine that may be independent of beta-adrenergic function, based on the hypoperfusion conditions of acute chagasic cardiomyopathy.