We examined the effect of norepinephrine injections on non-shivering thermogenesis (NST), rewarming rate, and metabolic cost during torpor arousal in warm- and cool-acclimated Chilean mouse-opposums, Thylamys elegans. Warm- and cool-acclimated animals did not display NST in response to NE injections. Values of VO2 (resting, after saline and NE injections) were not significantly different within treatments. Rewarming rates of warm-acclimated animals did not differ significantly from those in cool-acclimated animals. In contrast, the metabolic cost of torpor arousal was significantly affected by acclimation temperature. Warm-acclimated animals required more energy for arousal than cool-acclimated animals. Our study suggests that the main thermoregulatory mechanism during torpor arousal in this Chilean marsupial is shivering thermogenesis, and that its amount can be changed by thermal acclimation.