Allele frequency data for eight short tandem repeat (STR) loci, HUMF13A01, HUMFESFPS, HUMF13B, HUMLPL, HUMCSF1PO, HUMTPOX, HUMTHO1 and HUMvWA, were obtained for unrelated individuals in a Saudi Arabian population. All loci, except F13B (P = 0.037) and LPL (P = 0.035), meet Hardy-Weinberg expectations, based on the exact test. The most informative locus is HUMvWA (PD = 0.936) and the least discriminating is the HUMTPOX locus (PD = 0.820). There was only one observation of a departure from expectation from pairwise locus comparisons. These data can be used for estimating the frequency of STR profiles in a Saudi Arabian population.