The CFTR splicing mutation 3849 + 10 kb C --> T creates a novel donor site 10 kilobases (kb) into intron 19 of the gene and is one of the more common splicing mutations that causes cystic fibrosis (CF). It has an elevated prevalence among patients with atypically mild disease and normal sweat electrolytes and is especially prominent in Ashkenazi Jews. This class of splicing mutations, reported in several genes, involves novel splice sites activated deep within introns while leaving wild-type splice elements intact. CFTR cDNA constructs that modeled the 3849 + 10 kb C --> T mutation were expressed in 3T3 mouse fibroblasts and in CFT1 human tracheal and C127 mouse mammary epithelial cells. In all three cell types, aberrant splicing of CFTR pre-mRNA was comparable to that reported in vivo in CF patients. Treatment of the cells with 2'-O-methyl phosphorothioate oligoribonucleotides antisense toward the aberrant donor and acceptor splice sites or to the retained exon-like sequence, disfavored aberrant splicing and enhanced normal processing of CFTR pre-mRNA. This antisense-mediated correction of splicing was dose- and sequence-dependent and was accompanied by increased production of CFTR protein that was appropriately glycosylated. Antisense-mediated correction of splicing in a mutation-specific context represents a potential gene therapy modality with applicability to many inherited disorders.