Compared to atracurium, cisatracurium releases less laudanosine and histamine, but it has a longer onset time. The primary objective of this study was a blinded, randomized comparison of intubation scores and onset times of a threefold ED 95 of cisatracurium using the priming technique with two priming substances cisatracurium itself and pancuronium. To test the effect of priming with cisatracurium or pancuronium on the onset of cisatracurium, 45 patients were anaesthetised with 0.15-0.25 mg/kg alfentanil, 0.25-0.3 mg/kg edomidate i.v. and O2/N2O, and were randomisely divided into one of three groups. After induction, 15 patients were primed with sodium chloride and thereafter received 0.15 mg/kg cisatracurium, 15 patients were primed with 0.01 mg/kg cisatracurium, another 15 patients were primed with 0.015 mg/kg pancuronium and the last two groups received 0.14 mg/kg cisatracurium three minutes later. Neuromuscular response was monitored by adductor pollicis electromyogram (EMG) by stimulating in a TOF pattern. Times for T1 reduction to 75%, 50%, 25% and 0% and T1 recovery to 25% were taken. Intubation was performed 120 seconds after the main relaxant dose and scored in four grades. The two priming groups showed a significantly faster onset of neuromuscular blockade than the control group (cisatracurium priming group: T1 = 0: 178.4 +/- 16.3 sec., pancuronium priming group 171.2 +/- 15.3 sec. vs. control group: T1 = 0: 205.5 +/- 18.9 sec.). Both primed groups showed no significantly better intubation scores, compared with the control group. Using the priming principle, cisatracurium will give good intubation scores 120 seconds after injection with a clinical duration profile comparable to an equipotent dose of atracurium.