The effect of carbohydrate supplementation on skeletal muscle glucose transporter GLUT-4 protein expression was studied in fast-twitch red and white gastrocnemius muscle of Sprague-Dawley rats before and after glycogen depletion by swimming. Exercise significantly reduced fast-twitch red muscle glycogen by 50%. During a 16-h exercise recovery period, muscle glycogen returned to control levels (25.0 +/- 1.4 micromol/g) in exercise-fasted rats (24.2 +/- 0. 3 micro). However, when carbohydrate supplementation was provided during and immediately postexercise by intubation, muscle glycogen increased 77% above control (44.4 +/- 2.1 micromol/g). Exercise-fasting resulted in an 80% increase in fast-twitch red muscle GLUT-4 mRNA but only a 43% increase in GLUT-4 protein concentration. Conversely, exercise plus carbohydrate supplementation elevated fast-twitch red muscle GLUT-4 protein concentration by 88% above control, whereas GLUT-4 mRNA was increased by only 40%. Neither a 16-h fast nor carbohydrate supplementation had an effect on fast-twitch red muscle GLUT-4 protein concentration or on GLUT-4 mRNA in sedentary rats, although carbohydrate supplementation increased muscle glycogen concentration by 40% (35.0 +/- 0.9 micromol/g). GLUT-4 protein in fast-twitch white muscle followed a pattern similar to fast-twitch red muscle. These results indicate that carbohydrate supplementation, provided with exercise, will enhance GLUT-4 protein expression by increasing translational efficiency. Conversely, postexercise fasting appears to upregulate GLUT-4 mRNA, possibly to amplify GLUT-4 protein expression on an increase in glucose availability. These regulatory mechanisms may help control muscle glucose uptake in accordance with glucose availability and protect against postexercise hypoglycemia.