In this review the technical principles and applications of multi-slice CT are discussed. Multi-slice CT systems allow simultaneous acquisition of up to 4 slices by using multi-row detector systems. Intuitive geometrical arguments are used to establish the limitation to a maximum of 4 slices which is kept by all currently existing multi-slice CT systems. Two different construction principles of the detector are discussed, the "Fixed Array" detector and the "Adaptive Array" detector. The extension of conventional 360 LI and 180 LI spiral interpolation techniques to multi-slice spiral CT is explained as well as a new generalized multi-slice spiral weighting concept, the so-called "Adaptive Axial Interpolation". Several techniques to improve multi-slice spiral image quality are discussed. Finally, some examples for clinical applications are given, and the principle of ECG triggered and ECG gated cardiac examinations with optimized temporal resolution is presented. Multi-slice CT systems are a milestone with respect to increased volume coverage, shorter scan times, improved axial (longitudinal) resolution and better use of the X-ray tube output. Additionally, new clinical applications are possible such as Cardiac CT.