Evanescent light illumination was introduced into a multi-mode microscope to construct a new type of total internal reflection fluorescence microscope (TIRFM). This microscope, capable of TIRFM, high resolution video-enhanced differential interference contrast (DIC), epifluorescence, interference reflection (IR) imaging, was combined with an image acquisition system for time-lapse microscopy. Neuronal growth cones of a rat hippocampal neuron were stained with membrane labeling fluorescence dyes (DiI or octadecyl rhodamine B). Dynamic changes of the cell substrate contact of the neuronal growth cone were observed using the multi-imaging capacities of this system. When growth cone regions were stimulated by pressure ejection of a high potassium solution, TIRFM intensity at the basal membrane of the growth cone increased, suggesting that basal membrane of growth cone approaches the glass substrate when excited. The approach of the ventral membrane to the substrate during excitatory stimulation was also observed with IR microscope. The functional importance of cell/substrate contact in growth cones is discussed.