There have been considerable advances in the diagnostic assessment of the heart by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in recent years. Thus MRI as a one-stop shop modality for the comprehensive noninvasive evaluation of coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction may soon become a reality. This article presents an overview of the present possibilities and future potential of evaluating myocardial anatomy, function, perfusion, and coronary anatomy after myocardial infarction. Cine MRI provides a reliable analysis of regional and global disturbances of cardiac wall motion with a high temporal and spatial resolution. Tagging techniques permit the noninvasive labelling of parts of the myocardium and the identification of three-dimensional patterns of contraction. Myocardial perfusion and disturbed wall motion under pharmacologic stress can be reliably assessed by MRI as well. What is unique is the visualization of myocardial edema, which is made possible by the high soft-tissue contrast resolution. The as yet limited potential to assess coronary arteries and coronary bypasses is likewise discussed.