Objective: The aim of the study was to compare the radiographic and the high-resolution CT findings of Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia.
Materials and methods: The chest radiographs and 1.5-mm collimation CT scans obtained in 28 patients with serologically proven M. pneumoniae pneumonia were retrospectively reviewed. The radiographs and CT scans were analyzed independently by two observers.
Results: The most common finding on radiography was the presence of air-space opacification (n = 24), which was patchy and segmental (n = 9) or nonsegmental (n = 15) in distribution. On high-resolution CT, areas of ground-glass attenuation were seen in 24 patients (86%) and air-space consolidation in 22 (79%). In 13 patients (59%), the areas of consolidation had a lobular distribution evident on CT. Nodules were seen more commonly on high-resolution CT (25 of 28 patients, 89%) than on radiography (14 patients, 50%) (p < 0.01, chi-square test). In 24 (86%) of the 28 patients, the nodules had a predominantly centrilobular distribution on CT. Thickening of the bronchovascular bundles was identified more commonly on CT (23 of 28 patients, 82%) than on radiography (five patients, 18%) (p < 0.01, chi-square test).
Conclusion: The lobular distribution, centrilobular involvement, and interstitial abnormalities in M. pneumoniae pneumonia are often difficult to recognize on radiography but can usually be seen on high-resolution CT.