Forty pigs with induced infections of Ascaris suum, Trichuris suis, Metastrongylus spp., Oesophagostomum dentatum and O. quadrispinulatum were assigned to five-dose groups of moxidectin 0.5% pour-on with eight pigs per dose group. The doses were: moxidectin, 0 (vehicle control), 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, and 1.50 mg/kg(-1) body weight. Worm egg counts (EPG) were made from fecal samples collected on Day 2 pretreatment and on Day 14 or 15 post-treatment. Animals were ranked according to the descending order of A. suum egg counts made on Day 2 and blocked in groups of five. Pigs in blocked groups were assigned randomly to each of the five dose groups. Treatment doses were calculated on the basis of weights taken on Day 1 and were administered topically from the neck to the base of the tail. Pigs were housed by pairs in individual pens provided with self-feeders and automatic waterers. Necropsies were performed on equal numbers of pigs from each treatment group on days 14 and 15 post-treatment. Adult and larval worms were collected, identified and counted by standard parasitological techniques. All counts were transformed by Y=log10 (count+1) transformation prior to analysis. A two-way analysis of variance was conducted and treatment effect was tested for significance at the 5% level. Efficacies based on geometric means and optimal doses were as follows: Ascaris suum, 98.3% at 1.25; Metastrongylus spp., 100% at 0.75; Oesophagostomum quadrispinulatum, 100% at 1.50; and Trichuris suis, 93.5% at 0.75. Efficacy for O. dentatum was from 81.3% to 100%; however, the average number of O. dentatum (30) was too small for significance. Two species of lungworms were present, Metastrongylus apri and M. pudendotectus but they were not speciated at necropsy. As reported for several anthelmintics, the efficacy of moxidectin was variable for Trichuris. The highest efficacy was in the 0.75 dose group with six pigs harboring a few or no worms. The lowest efficacy was in the 1.25 group with only two pigs harboring a few or no worms.