The paper presents a study concerning an influence of cerebrolysin on the efficiency of subsequent therapy with amiridin in patients with mild and moderate dementia of Altzheimer's type (DAT). A study included 2 groups of patients similar in terms of clinical and demographic parameters. The patients of group 1 (23 cases) were treated by amiridin in daily dose of 80 mg during 10 weeks. In group 2 (26 patients) a session of 20 intravenous infusions of cerebrolysin (30 ml in 150 ml of physiologic solution during 4 weeks) preceded the same therapy with amiridin. The neuropsychological assessment was made according to Luria's method with a quantitative estimation of the regulatory and operational components of mental activity. Comparison of the results of neuropsychologic examination both before and after the therapy showed a more pronounced improvement in the states of all regulatory and separate operational components of mental activity in combined therapy with cerebrolysin and amiridin versus monotherapy with amiridin. In patients of group 2 with disturbances of higher mental functions the pathological symptomatology connected with anterior frontal and deep structures of brain was significantly decreased as compared with the patients from group 1.