The signal for somatic sex determination in mammals, Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster is chromosomal, but the overall mechanisms do not appear to be conserved between the phyla. However it has been found quite recently that the C. elegans sex-determining gene Mab-3 contains a domain highly homologous to the Drosophila sex-determining gene doublesex (dsx) and shares a similar role. These data suggest that at least some aspects of the regulation of sex determination might be conserved. In humans, a doublesex-related gene (DMRT1) was identified at less than 30 kb from the critical region for sex reversal on chromosome 9p24 (TD9). In order to get insights into the role of DMRT1 in sex determination/differentiation, we have isolated DMRT1 mouse homologue (Dmrt1) and analysed its expression pattern. The gene is expressed in the genital ridges of both sexes during the sex-determining switch and it shows male/female dimorphism at late stages of sex differentiation.