A survey on toxocara canis-IgG seroprevalence was carried out in two Bolivian communities (Mora and Zanja Honda) living in the Cordillera Province, Department of Santa Cruz. Two hundred and sixteen people, both males and females, 2 to 85 years old were sampled. Altogether, 73 people were positive (34%). The seroprevalence was 27% in Mora and 42% in Zanja Honda (p = 0.022). No statistical correlations were found with sex and age. High prevalences were also found for intestinal helminths (hookworms, Trichuris trichiura, Ascaris lumbricoides, Hymenolepis nana and Strongyloides stercoralis). Positive association between T. canis seropositivity and presence of T. trichiura and between T. trichiura and hookworms were found. T. canis egg prevalence in dog population was found consistently higher in Zanja Honda than in Mora (40% vs 27%).