In 1994, Moodie, Seewald, & Sinclair described the development of a clinical procedure for predicting real-ear hearing instrument performance in young children. The purpose of the present study was to determine the validity of this procedure for predicting the real-ear aided gain (REAG) and real-ear saturation response (RESR) of hearing instruments worn by children. To this end, both the REAG and RESR were measured, through probe-microphone measures, and predicted, using the Moodie et al. procedure. The findings confirmed that the 2-cc coupler-based procedure, with individualized acoustic transforms, described by Moodie et al., resulted in highly accurate predictions of real-ear hearing instrument performance for both REAG and RESR at five test frequencies. The implications of these findings for the clinical fitting of hearing instruments in infants and young children are discussed.