To obtain functional evidence for DCC as a tumour suppressor associated with endometrial cancer, the human DCC cDNA encoding a complete open reading frame (ORF) was transfected into highly tumorigenic human endometrial carcinoma cells, HHUA and Ishikawa in which DCC expression was completely deleted. Reconstituted expression of DCC in HHUA had little effect on in vitro growth, but suppressed tumour formation in mice completely. The clones from Ishikawa had abundant DCC expression similar to that in normal endometrium. Their growth in vitro was suppressed and showed apoptotic phenotype. Lower levels of DCC expression in the prolonged passaged clones did not induce apoptosis, but still had the potential to suppress tumorigenicity. These observations imply a role of DCC in regulation of normal endometrial cell growth, and categorize DCC as the tumour suppressor gene for endometrial cancer.