Primary objectives: To determine the frequency and nature of post-TBI personality disorders (PDs) in a community-based sample of individuals with TBI.
Research design: One hundred individuals with TBI were administered a structural clinical interview to determine Axis II psychopathology. METHODS OF PROCEDURES: The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Personality Disorders, Clinician Version (SCID II) was used to determine 12 Axis II personality disorders. SCID II questions were modified so that symptom onset could be rated as occurring pre-injury vs. post-TBI. Data were analysed using student T-tests, chi-square analysis and one way analyses of variance.
Outcomes and results: Pre-TBI PDs were diagnosed in 24% of the sample; antisocial PD and obsessive-compulsive PD were the most common diagnoses. Post-TBI, 66% of the sample met criteria for at least one PD, with PDs independent of TBI severity, age at injury, and time since injury. The most common post-TBI PDs were: borderline, avoidant, paranoid, obsessive-compulsive and narcissistic. Men were more likely to be diagnosed with antisocial PD and narcissistic PD. Individuals with pre-TBI PDs were at greater risk of acquiring additional psychopathology post-TBI. Personality traits endorsed by more than 30% of the sample post-TBI reflected loss of self-confidence, attempts to cope with cognitive and interpersonal failures and negative affect.
Conclusion: These findings argue against a specific TBI personality syndrome, but rather a diversity of personality disorders reflective of the persistent challenges and compensatory coping strategies developed by individuals post-TBI. Prospective need for clinical assessment, pro-active education and focused treatment approaches are discussed.