Horse IgG isotypes and cross-neutralization of two snake antivenoms produced in Brazil and Costa Rica. Toxicon 000-000. This work compared the specificity, ELISA titers and IgG subclass content of the polyvalent antivenom (anti-Bothrops asper, Crotalus durissus durissus and Lachesis muta stenophrys) of Instituto Clodomiro Picado (Costa Rica) and the bothropic antivenom (anti-Bothrops jararaca, B. jararacussu, B. moojeni, B. neuwiedi and B. alternatus) of Instituto Butantan (Brazil). The role of IgG(T) and IgGa subclasses in neutralization of some venom toxic activities and the cross neutralization of the antivenoms against B. jararaca and B. asper venoms were also evaluated. Both antivenoms were able to recognize B. asper and B. jararaca venoms by immunoblotting and presented similar antibody titers when assayed by ELISA. IgG(T) was highest, followed by IgGa, IgGb and IgGc. IgGa and IgG(T) isotypes isolated from both antivenoms by affinity chromatography were tested for neutralization of lethal, hemorrhagic, coagulant and phospholipase A2 activities of the homologous venoms. In both antivenoms, IgG(T) was the major isotype responsible for neutralization of all the tested activities, followed by IgGa. These results suggest that Instituto Butantan and Instituto Clodomiro Picado antivenoms have the same IgG profile and their neutralizing ability is due mostly to the IgG(T) isotype. Also, they neutralize lethality in mice induced by homologous and heterologous venoms, the bothropic antivenom of Instituto Butantan being more effective.