Health-conscious behaviour of a population may be measured by the utilization rate in screening programs and health promotion measures. In the German National Health Interview and Examination Survey 1998, 7124 respondents were asked for their individual participation. The utilization in free health check-ups (1997) was 26.7% for men and 24.5% for women. Health related medical advice was given to 70.9% of men and 67.8% of women in the wake of the check-up. Annual early cancer screening test were taken by 22.6% of men and 36.5% of women. Cancer-related medical advice was reported by 42.4% of men and 43% of women. 10.5% of all respondents participate in health promotion measures, women two times more often than men (13.8% vs. 7%). The ranking according to the type of measures is: 44% for back (muscle) training, followed by nutrition consultation (13%), weight reduction (10%) and anti-smoking, -drinking and -substance use measures (4%). The results show differences in utilization rates for early cancer diagnosis, health checkups and health promotion programmes according to age, region, social status and health insurance type.